Get in touch


Please complete the enquiry form below.

We have added lots of FAQs to our site and keep them regularly updated. If you have questions about cottage availability, changing start days or if a property accepts dogs – please double check our FAQs page as you may find your answer quicker than awaiting a reply.



In case of an emergency please contact the Property Manager (the number is on your arrival email), or leave a message on the Padstow Cottage Company number below, and we will periodically check for messages.

Office number

07715 374 688


[email protected]

The office is open Monday to Friday, 9am to 1pm

In an emergency, outside of these times, please leave a message and your contact details and we will return your call.



Padstow Cottage Company Ltd
Limited Company Number: 07821306

    Enquiry form

    We don’t share your details with anyone else and only use them in relation to your booking, enquiry or if you have requested we keep in contact with occasional emails. Privacy - Terms

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